1.0 Air Handling
- Health Act 1911
- Health (Air-handling and Water Systems) Regulations 1994
- Department of Health
- AS3666.2:1995 Air-handling and water systems of buildings – Microbial Control – Operation and Maintenance
Summary Information
Cooling towers and air handling systems must be maintained in such as way as to prevent the transmission of Legionnaires Disease. Legionella pneumophila can occur in warm, stagnant water, moist surfaces and areas where there is a build up of dirt and grime.
Premises that contain cooling towers and air-handling systems that are at risk of transmitting Legionnaires disease are required to maintain the systems and undertake regular sampling. Details of any maintenance undertaken should be recorded in a log-book with the signature of the person undertaking the work. Sampling results should be forwarded to The Local Government who follow up instances of non-compliance.